On March 2nd, 2021, Alder presented a live online webinar called "What's Happening to Grandma?" in collaboration with the Florida Gulf Coast Alzheimer's Association. Here is the replay link:
This program has a special focus for the adults who are caring for children and a loved one with Alzheimer's.
Join special guest speaker Alder Allensworth, MM, R.N., LMHC who will share tools that will help people explain the disease to children, and provide suggestions for fun, age-appropriate activities for all generations to do with their loved one who has dementia. Additionally, Alzheimer’s community educator, Mike Vega, shares the impact of Alzheimer's; the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia; stages and risk factors; current research and treatments available for some symptoms, and Alzheimer's Association resources. A question and answer session followed.
EnJOY these two knowledgeable speakers.
Alder & Brenda
Alder Allensworth 727-560-7502 www.MackenzieMeetsAlzheimers.com www.facebook.com/MackenziesMeetsAlzheimers @mackenziemeetsalzheimers @MMAlzheimers
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