$47.00 USD

The Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Awareness Program is presented solely as an educational program, and in no way takes the place of a medical diagnosis, treatment or therapy. is presented solely as an educational program, and in no way takes the place of a medical diagnosis, treatment or therapy. 


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Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Awareness Program for People with Hearing Impairments

This Program gives families a toolkit of information, tips and activities for interacting and maintaining a relationship with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease, from diagnosis through the severe stage. It is effective for all types of dementia.

People with Hearing Impairments gain access to:

💜 Written transcripts with "Next Slide" indicated, making it easy to follow the five Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Disease Educational Video Series: 

  • What is Alzheimer's Disease?
  • Mild Stage Alzheimer's Disease
  • Moderate Stage Alzheimer's Disease
  • Severe Stage Alzheimer's Disease
  • Coping with Alzheimer's Disease for the Responsible Adult with Children


💜 Download of the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Quick Reference Guide, with easily accessible information about activities to do at any stage of the disease

💜 Download of the animated Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Disease Story Song Video

💜 Download of the animated Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Disease Story Song Lyric Video, especially beneficial for early readers and people with hearing impairments

💜 Download of the audio Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Disease Story Song, with written lyricsso listeners can enJOY the song anywhere